
CodeBot uses a proprietary method combining Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and seamless connectivity (via API) to access, document, and change system configuration. For users, this work is all done from the CodeBot generated configuration workbooks.​

This technology enables partner consultants and system administrators to create detailed documentation and reports with the push of a button. It runs in the background, completing the tasks based on instructions from the workbook.

This process saves CodeBot users’ time, stretches their capacity to complete more complex tasks, and deepens the strategic utilization of SAP SuccessFactors.

CodeBot Deep Dive ​

How CodeBot for SAP SuccessFactors Works.

CodeBot travels through the configuration in your SAP SuccessFactors instances and loads the data into workbooks. These workbooks are linked to CodeBot and can be used to track changes, migrate settings, compare instances, and support governance. CodeBot’s menu helps your administrators quickly locate the information they need and take action across the system from a single interface. This includes module specific links, along with common actions like Import/Export Data, Role Based Permissions, Robotic Testing and Picklist Management.

Get accurate configuration workbooks from any instance in a matter of a few hours. These workbooks provide detailed information on your system configuration. 

Workbooks are also used to support administrative changes.  Users make adjustments in workbooks and CodeBot does the system updates. This includes migrating changes from one instance to another.


CodeBot highlights discrepancies between workbooks using color-coding to identify potential issues. This is helpful to debug an issue occurring in one instance or when preparing for a release. 

Ensure the configuration from your workbook matches the instance. 

Clone configuration workbooks in a matter of seconds. This lets multiple teams work on different sets of changes at the same time, or work on future changes to be released later.

Generate and customize testing scripts and let CodeBot test the system for you. Robotic Testing is available for Employee Central, Recruiting, Onboarding 2.0, and Compensation.

Roles and Permissions organized for detailed and actionable security. The RBP Permissions tab uses Permissions as its Y axis and Roles as its X axis. This allows you to quickly visualize which roles have which permissions. 

Generate a translation workbook (aka “Cook Book”) with all the SAP SuccessFactors standard terms and your custom fields. This workbook is used to gather translations and then CodeBot makes the updates.

Import and Export generic object data into SAP SuccessFactors from a workbook. Quickly add, remove, and validate to ensure the data is accurate and formatted correctly. Full error logs are generated for issues. 


Ease the pain of MDF Picklist management. Keep them in sync and make adjustments, finding outliers and putting items in dropdown order.

We take security seriously. SAP SuccessFactors is home to some of your most critical information. 

CodeBot for SAP SuccessFactors does not touch any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). We are ISO 27001 certified; we are GRPR compliant; and we are proudly a part of the Cloud Security Alliance. 

CodeBot is an attended bot that respects the user permissions already detailed and controlled within SAP SuccessFactors.

There are additional security options from the CodeBot platform. You are able to limit any user’s access to a module, instance, or activity.

Employee Central (EC) EC User Interface Configuration 

EC Payroll 

Position Management Time Off 

Recruiting Management 

Onboarding 2.0 Performance and Goal Management 

Learning Management (LMS) 

Compensation Succession 

Career Development Planning  

Employee Profile Role Based Permissions 

Meta Data Framework (MDF) Picklists 

Integration Center Translations 

Import/Export Data 

Migrations Robotic Testing 

CodeBot Administration 

How CodeBot Helps

SAP SF Challenge  CodeBot Answer  How It Works    CodeBot Impact 
Outdated or nonexistent documentation  Generate Workbooks Automatically    CodeBot logs into the instance with a user with the correct permissions. In about 2-6 hours, CodeBot takes all the configuration from the module, and fills in the workbook.   Accurate documentation is simple and always available for all instances and modules. 
Instances are out-of-sync  Compare Instances and Align              Generate workbooks from two of your instances (like Dev and Test), then run the compare feature to see similarities and discrepancies. After you’ve finished your analysis, migrate configuration from one instance to another.   Instance alignment is simple. You can reduce your number of instances and improve both testing and training with instances that are truly aligned.  
Configuration and administration expertise is expensive and hard to train and find     Expanding Administrative Capabilities      CodeBot provides a single interface to organize workspaces and tasks. This centralized hub enables your team to make complex updates easily. Step by step screens shots and documentation for all executions help them gain deep product expertise.      CodeBot enhances the general skillset of SAP SuccessFactors power users by creating a centralized place for configuration activities. CodeBot is a great place to collaborate with your team, as well as upskill and see how the big picture all comes together. 
Role Based Permissions can be a challenge to manage  Optimized Role-Based Permissions Management        The CodeBot Role Based Permissions workbook takes all the roles and permissions, from any instance, and displays them in an easy-to-consume format. From this report, users can create, compare, and update roles, permissions, and groups.       Automating RBP administration saves time and reduces risk, ensuring consistent security. The full picture of SAP SuccessFactors’ RBP is available for analysis, audit, and correction. 

CodeBot is proudly built on client and partner feedback to tackle the most challenging aspects of your SAP SuccessFactors administration. We are continually looking for ways to help support your teams and improve the management of your system.

CodeBot Video Demo